Welcome to Teagywear
Welcome to Teagywear
Members of Rottweilers and Friends have often asked if there's an online store available for us to purchase products................so we decided to create one. Thank you for choosing to visit our page and hopefully shop with us.
As a group, we want to help Rottweilers that deserve a better life. We feel the best way to achieve this is to sell RAF branded merchandise, thus Teagywear was born. Everything is made to order and produced by local independent companies. We established a pricing structure that is the same in each of our three trading areas so that everyone is paying the same.
We added a little profit to each item which will be donated in full to charity. We do not take any expenses for the work done - purely the material cost and the shipping - the rest is donated to charity.
You will find a page dedicated to our chosen charity, namely the Florida Rottweiler Rescue Ranch. Please read about how your money is helping to make a difference to other rottweilers by clicking here
We would be interested in your opinion on the site and we welcome any constructive criticism. Click here to leave feedback